• The computer keeps crashing when using a particular program
  • The computer often runs slow
  • The computer sometimes randomly shuts off
  • Items you save aren’t where you expect them to be

Now, what happens next is to begin a chart starting with each of those problems using causal language (if…and…then). The tree will depict each potential cause for a problem. Eventually, the tree will show one cause that is linked to all four problems.

Fishbone or Ishikawa or Cause-and-Effect Diagrams

No matter what term you use for the fishbone diagram, the truth is, that it is a useful technique that will help you in your root cause analysis. A fishbone diagram will group causes into categories including:

Depending on the industry you are in, you may use different categories such as The 4 M’s (manufacturing), The 4 S’s (service) or the 8 P’s (also service). The diagram gets its name due to the fact that it looks like a fishbone, with categorized causes and their sub-causes visualized.

Kepner-Tregoe Technique

The Kepner-Tregoe technique, also known as rational process is intended to break a problem down to its root cause. This process begins with an appraisal of the situation – what are the priorities and orders for concerns for specific issues? Next, the problem analysis is undertaken, where an analysis is undertaken to get the cause of undesired events. Then, a decision analysis is tackled, outlining various decisions that must be made. Finally, a potential problem analysis is made to ensure that the actions decided upon in step three are sustainable.

RPR Problem Diagnosis

One final technique used in root cause analyses is the RPR Problem diagnosis. RPR stands for 'Rapid Problem Resolution' and it deals with diagnosing the causes of recurrent problems. This process has three phases:

  1. Discover – team members gather data and analyse their findings
  2. Investigate – a diagnostic plan is created and the root cause is identified through careful analysis of the diagnostic data
  3. Fix – the problem is fixed and monitored to ensure that the proper root cause was identified.